2025 Unified Charts

Easy install program, qtVlm is bundled... and it can do a lot of things the others can't... give it a try !


Download NOW...

 2025 Editions



Only want Android....see HERE

Buy and keep physical USB, Click HERE

          Logged in MEMBERS please go HERE



DOWNLOAD versions: You could be up and running within in an hour on Windows(not XP)
Downloads are HUGE. You need good broadband.

30th July 2017 Downloads all rebuilt with Windows signed software drivers. 
12th March 2018  2018 versions released. Auto activate Android charts bundled, with Android unlocks sent by post with a printed receipt. Price up by £1 to cover.

15th April 2018   New support for qtVlm program, bundled as default easy install package on USB. Work in progress to upgrade download versions
to same spec.
19th April 2018  Download versions now ready with qtVlm support .
23rd Jan 2020  Ability for VMH to de-activate and re-issue installations (£10 fee). FREE intital update for current edition.iso images now finally possible by download in Jan the following year.
20th July 2021. Support stopped for very old or non official relase versions of OpenCPN.
10th May 2023. Support added for OpenCPN 5.8.2 current version1st May 2023. Support finally removed for all OpenCPN versions 4.
25th July 2023 Support added for OpenCPN 5.8.4 released Mid June 23. Support added  for Windows using ARM processors.

20th Sept 2023. Download versions. Unlocks for the bundled Marine Navigator charts are now also delivered on purchase
16th July 2024. Plug and Play. Built in portable OpenCPN automatically displays charts on start up.
30th Aug 2024. Support added for OpenCPN 5.10.0 released summer 2024. 
Mid Jan 2025.  Support added for OpenCPN 5.10.2


Skill level required: Basic Windows skills will be required to "mount" the virtual DVD image and "point" your chosen programs at the chart packages on it.  Before purchase make sure you  test compatibility



UK and Ireland

Uk Charts



This 2025 UK/Ireland edition contains over 826 raster charts, dated 1st Jan 2025. 

Before purchase please:  
test compatibility 


£27 by download      MEMBERS please go HERE for 20% discount code £21.60

Buy and keep physical USB, Click HERE


Important note:  Although the French coasts are visible, there is not enough detail to approach these coasts safely. If visiting France you WILL need the package below:.




.UK and Near Continent


This Channel France/UK/Ireland/Belgium/Netherlands edition contains over 1100 charts  
Coverage:  UK/Ireland/Channel and Atlantic France/ Belgium, 100% at all scales available. French coverage at all available scales, starts at Belgium extends to Spanish Border. Beautiful SHOM French charts.

Before purchase please:  
test compatibility 


£47 by download    MEMBERS please go HERE for 20% discount code £37.60

Buy and keep physical USB, Click HERE








For the avoidance of doubt:  Our Netherlands coverage in this and any other product is shown below:

.No freshwater inland coverage.  Fine for coastal passagemaking.










Spain, Portugal, & Atlantic 2025  (ES-PT-AT)

Free bonus: 20+ Atlantic planning charts included

NEW Spain, Portugal, and Atlantic planning:
* Wide area coverage *
* inc. detailed coverage of Maderia, Azores, Canary Islands and Cape Verde islands*
* inc. All major Ports and Harbours within Spain and Portugal waters
* All UKHO raster charts available covering mainland Spain and Portugal, plus Balearic Islands, 226 charts*
* Suitable for those setting off from the West Country to Spain and the Med, or to the Azores, Canaries, etc* .

Click Image for more info

Before purchase please 
test compatibility 

Price £52 by download

MEMBERS please go HERE for 20% discount code £41.60


Buy and keep physical USB, Click HERE


For the avoidance of doubt, this package covers in detail all major Ports and Harbours within Spain and Portugal waters, plus the Atlantic islands, inc Cape Verdes. It DOES NOT contain detailed chartlets of every small craft harbour/marina/cala on these coasts. Used for passage-making with calls at major harbours (eg La Coruna, Lisbon, Palma, Ibiza, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, etc etc), this chartset is fine.  Used in conjunction with a decent pilot book with chartlets it's fine for a proper and deep exploration of these areas.






Existing packs contain full coverage of Azores, Cararies, Maderia
Now also:  Full coverage of Cape Verde Islands.   Bonus.. 24+small scale  N and S Atlantic 2018 planning charts included free.  These tie everything else together nicely.


This package is ideal for Trans Atlantic Ocean planning



* L'acheteur du téléchargement dispose d'une licence avec deux codes d'activation. Un code pour la copie de travail, et un code de sauvegarde.

* Chaque code permet d'installer la licence sur une machine.

* Le code de sauvegarde peut être utilisé, SANS PROBLEME, sur une machine différente de la machine de travail, si la machine de travail tombe en panne.

* Une fois installée sur une machine, la licence ne peut être déplacée sur une autre machine.

* Une fois qu'un code a été utilisé, pour installer la licence sur une machine, il ne peut jamais être utilisé à nouveau.


 Unified Charts will work with standard versions of the following:

 Marine Navigator                qtVlm                      SeaClear                OpenCPN                Polar View            Expedition    



Notices for French charts

« Aucun   service   hydrographique   officiel   n’a   vérifié   les   informations   contenues   dans   ce document et ne peut être tenu responsable de la fidélité de leur reproduction ou de toute modification   ultérieure.   La   possession   de   ce   produit   dérivé   n’exonère   pas   de   l’obligation d’utiliser   les   documents   nautiques   appropriés   prévus   par   les   règlements   nationaux   ou internationaux ».     "No official Hydrographic Office has verified the information contained in this document and can not be held responsible for the accuracy of reproduction or any subsequent amendment. Possession of the derivative does not exempt from the obligation use appropriate nautical documents required by national laws or International ".

« Ce produit intègre des données © SHOM – 2024 – reproduites avec l’autorisation n° 4/2024  »   "This product incorporates data © SHOM - Dec / 2024 - reproduced with authorization n° 4/2024 "


Buy the 2024 Physical Product..
on USB, portable between Windows machines. £10 more than download... BUT more versatile !
DO NOT BUY if purchasing from outside the UK. Get the download version.  This physical product will attract DELAYS, customs duty and or VAT at your local rates, and this may need to be paid before the packet is released.


Unified Charts on USB  a portable, easy to use way of providing "For Navigation" Raster charts, that are compatible with some fantastic free (or very cheap) navigation programs.
        Superb time tested compatibility with ALL Windows versions Vista to W10.



This tiny USB dongle is an unusual way of delivering navigation chart packages for Windows machines.  Adds £12 plus delivery (AND Customs fees at your end if applicable) to the cost, but Windows charts are locked to the USB, thus portable between machines. Coverage same as the download versions above, Marine Navigator charts are bundled for Android installation (2 Devices max)
See area coverage maps further up this page



Buy the USB version NOW.  choose your coverage    

MEMBERS please go HERE

Price show below is the Unified Charts, and the USB dongle. .

Skill level required: Plug in the USB and "point" your chosen programs at the chart packages on it !   Android installation requires carefully following instructions and patience.

Dispatch Time:  Normally sent by the next working day, 1st class post.


Remember the 30 day "No Quibble" money back guarantee.  If the coverage, quality, or anything else about a Unified Charts USB disappoints you, just return for a full refund. No problems or questions.

Legal stuff

"The very model for distribution of raster charts is Visitmyharbour.com == a small company based right here in Cowes where I am now. They sell fully updated and officially "for navigation" raster charts of the entire UK plus Belgium and Netherlands for 60 pounds == more than 1000 charts. With a year of free updates. They also sell cheaply or give away tons and tons and tons of other extremely useful navigation and pilotage information == this company is an absolutely fantastic resource. Unfortunately! They are only slowly expanding their coverage, and haven't gotten to the Baltic yet."

Cruisers Forum




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