End User License: Charts for Marine Navigator Android app by download (version 2025-Feb-AA.4)
This is an agreement between YOU (the original purchaser of Android Charts by download) and VisitMyHarbour of 11a Clarence Boatyard, Clarence Rd, East Cowes PO32 6TA. By accessing these Charts whichever format they are supplied in, you are deemed to have agreed to the terms of this license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license do not purchase, install or activate the chartset.
NOTICE 1: These images have been produced for “Charts for Marine Navigator Android app by download” and should not be used for any other purposes. The UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and its licensors make no warranties or representations, express or implied, with respect to this product. The UKHO and its licensors have not verified the information in this product or quality assured it. British Crown Copyright, 2025.
NOTICE 2 « Aucun service hydrographique officiel n’a vérifié les informations contenues dans ce document et ne peut être tenu responsable de la fidélité de leur reproduction ou de toute modification ultérieure. La possession de ce produit dérivé n’exonère pas de l’obligation d’utiliser les documents nautiques appropriés prévus par les règlements nationaux ou internationaux ».
« Ce produit intègre des données © SHOM – 12/2024 – reproduites avec l’autorisation n° 2/2024 »
"No official Hydrographic Office has verified the information contained in this document and can not be held responsible for the accuracy of reproduction or any subsequent amendment. Possession of this derivative does not exempt you from the obligation to use appropriate nautical documents required by national or international laws".
"This product incorporates data © SHOM - December 2024- reproduced with authorization No. 2/2024 "
NOTICE 3 Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM) and the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) make no warranties or representations, or implied, with respect to this product. The Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM) and the UKHO have not verified the information within this product or quality assured it.
The use of this product for the planning and execution of passages will not meet the requirements of SOLAS
This applies only to Spanish harbour chartlets/inserts/plans prepared from S57 vector data (if they are included) supplied by IHM: “THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION”
This product consists ONLY OF A LICENSE to use the software/data you install/use in the manner specified below, and this license is FOR THE ORIGINAL (NAMED) PURCHASER ONLY. The license is NOT transferrable to 3rd parties. The software and data (but not any free or open source software if provided) remain the property of VisitMyHarbour and must be returned if requested.
2. Allowable purposes:
Chart Images: As an aid to navigation; training; simulation; and planning purposes. Due to the inherent unreliability of non-purpose-built computer equipment in a small craft environment, These electronic charts MUST NOT BE USED AS A STAND ALONE NAVIGATION SYSTEM. This product must always be used in conjunction with with official and updated paper charts and publications.
Programs that can use these charts: Your terms and conditions for using these programs should be studied when you install them. Disclaimer: VisitMyHarbour have no control of these 3rd party programs or their functionality. VisitMyHarbour are only responsible for the charts and have satisfactorily tested them within Marine Navigator (Android).
Chart Data:
Expiry and Replacement: You are licensed to use this package for the allowable purposes for one year from the date that you purchased it. Any Android installations should be done within 12 months of purchase. Charts do not stop working, but must not be used in connection with navigation after 1 year of purchase. The charts are normally stamped in the bottom right hand corner with the date of issue. You are responsible for consulting notices to mariners and any noting any updating required.
Updated Chart packages are normally released each Febuary in the year following purchase, and this free initial update remains available till the end of that year. Purchasers of this Android only package should update their already installed and working chartsets for free.
Installation: Standard 2 activation purchase: You are licensed to install these charts on a maximum of 2 Android devices, within the first year of purchase. 2 unlock codes are provided, one for working, and one backup. Installations are not transferable between devices.
Optional 5 activation purchase: You are licensed to install these charts on a maximum of 5 Android devices, within the first year of purchase. 5 unlock codes are provided, four for working, and one backup. Installations are not transferable between devices.
You will lose your chart installation in the following circumstances:
1: You do a "Factory Reset" of the Android device
2: You change the Android operating system
3: You break, lose, damage the Android device
Use: It is forbidden to use this product on more than one device at any one time with the following (useful) exception: You are allowed to install a remote monitor/navigation station, for example in the cockpit. PROVIDING THAT: it cannot work independently of the host machine and is within 300 feet.
Printing: You may be allowed to print A4 chartlets, (by taking a screen-shot on Android), but these are NOT FOR NAVIGATION and for your own personal use only.
Intellectual Property Rights:
All Intellectual Property Rights contained in this product are owned by or licensed to www.visitmyharbour.com. No Intellectual Property Right contained in the product is intended to, and shall not be deemed to, transfer to any person who uses the it. All chart data used in these Unified Charts are Crown Copyright 2025, or copyright SHOM 2024 You are forbidden to copy, pass on, or distribute (in electronic or paper form) any Chart images or data. You are forbidden to attempt to decompile or otherwise interfere with any encryption systems, programs, or content included in this product.
This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the UK Hydrograpic Office with the permission of the UK Hydrographic Office and Her Magesty's Stationery Office and the following authorities :
United Kingdom
.Aberdeen Harbour Board
.Argyll & Bute Council
.Associated British Ports – Ayr & Troon
.Associated British Ports – Barrow
.Associated British Ports – Cardiff & Barry
.Associated British Ports – Fleetwood
.Associated British Ports – Garston
.Associated British Ports – Humber
.Associated British Ports – Ipswich
.Associated British Ports – King’s Lynn
.Associated British Ports – Lowestoft
.Associated British Ports – Newport
.Associated British Ports – Plymouth
.Associated British Ports – Silloth
.Associated British Ports – Southampton
.Associated British Ports – Swansea & Port Talbot
.Associated British Ports – Teignmouth
.Belfast Harbour Commissioners
.Blyth Harbour Commission
.Brightlingsea Harbour Commissioners
.Cattewater Harbour Commissioners (Cattewater, Plymouth)
.Chichester Harbour Conservancy
.Clydeport Operations Limited
.Corporation of Trinity House
.Cowes Harbour Commission
.Cromarty Firth Port Authority
.Dart Harbour and Navigation Authority
.Dover Harbour Board
.Falmouth Harbour Commissioners
.First Corporate Shipping Limited (Bristol)
.Folkestone Harbour Company (Folkestone)
.Forth Ports plc
.Fowey Harbour Commissioners
.Fraserburgh Harbour Commissioners
.Gloucester Harbour Trustees
.Great Yarmouth Port Authority (Great Yarmouth)
.Hampshire County Council (Hamble, River Hamble)
.Harwich Haven Authority
.Heysham Port Limited
.Highland Council Harbours Authority (Gairloch, Helmsdale,
Kinlochbervie, Kyle of Lochalsh, Lochinver, Portree & Uig)
.Imerys Minerals Ltd (Par)
.Inverness Harbour Trust (Inverness, Inverness Firth)
.King's Lynn Conservancy Board
.Langstone Harbour
.Larne Harbour Limited
.Lerwick Port Authority
.Littlehampton Harbour Board
.Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners
.Lymington Harbour Commissioners
.Manchester Ship Canal Company
.Mersey Docks & Harbour Company (Mersey, Liverpool, Birkenhead)
.Milford Haven Port Authority
.Montrose Port Authority
.Neath Port Authority
.Newhaven Port and Properties Limited
.Northern Lighthouse Board
.Orkney Islands Council
.Padstow Harbour Commissioners
.PD Teesport
.Peel Ports Medway (Port of Sheerness Ltd)
.Peterhead Port Authority (Peterhead Bay, Peterhead Harbour)
.Poole Harbour Commissioners
.Port of Boston Limited
.Port of Cairnryan Limited
.Port of London Authority
.Port of Mostyn Ltd
.Port of Sunderland
.Port of Tyne Authority (Tyne)
.Port of Wisbech Authority
.Port of Workington
.Portland Harbour Authority Limited
.Ports of Truro & Penryn
.Portsmouth Commercial Port
.Salcombe Harbour
.Scrabster Harbour Trust (Scrabster)
.Seaham Harbour Dock Company
.Shetland Islands Council
.Shoreham Port Authority
.Stena Line Ports Limited (Fishguard, Fleetwood, Holyhead, Stranraer)
.Teignmouth Harbour Commission
.Thanet District Council (Ramsgate)
.Torbay Council Marine Services (Tor Bay; Torquay, Brixham,
.Torridge District Council (Bideford)
.Ullapool Harbour Trustees
.Warrenpoint Harbour Authority
.Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
.Whitstable Harbour
Channel Islands
· Jersey Harbours
· States of Alderney Harbour Authority
· States of Guernsey Harbour Authority
Isle of Man
· Isle of Man Harbours Division
Republic of Ireland
· Bantry Bay Harbour Commissioners
· Commissioner of Irish Lights
· Drogheda Port Company
· Dublin Port Company
· Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company
· Galway Harbour Company
· Iarnrod Eireann – Rosslare Europort
· Kinsale Harbour Commissioners (Kinsale)
· Port of Cork Company
· Port of New Ross
· Port of Waterford Company (Waterford)
· Shannon Foynes Port Company (River Shannon, Limerick, Foynes)
· Wicklow Port Company
“This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina and the UK Hydrographic Office with their permission.”
©Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina, 2024. All rights reserved
“This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the Instituto Hidrográfico of Portugal and the UK Hydrographic Office with their permission.“
“© Copyright Instituto Hidrográfico of Portugal, 2024. All rights reserved.“
“This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the Netherlands and UK Hydrographic Offices with their permission.”
“© Copyright Netherlands Hydrographic Office, 2024. All rights reserved. “
"This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the Vlaamse Hydrografie and the UK Hydrographic Office with their permission.”
“© Vlaamse Hydrografie, 2024 . All rights reserved. “
© SHOM - December 2014 - reproduced with authorization No. 02/2024
Contact Details for VisitMyHarbour.
Unit 11a Clarence Boatyard
Clarence Rd,
East Cowes
00 44 (1)983 293757