Since we started making charts for the excellent Marine Navigator app, back in 2012, we have always supplied 2 activations as standard. One working, and one for backup purposes.
More and more customers are using multiple Android devices for chartplotting, eg phone in the cockpit, tablet at chart table, backup phone and tablet, home planning tablet, etc. It's also clear that devices don't last forever, and need replacing more often than a laptop or PC..
So, for those who want to get "all tooled up" we are now offering an extra 3 unlock codes/licenses as an add on extra.. But ONLY IF you need them, your choice. This allows 4 working instalations with one activation as a total of 5 unlock codes provided. Following year free updates apply to all installations. As usual, activations should be used within 24 months of the initial purchase.
The cost is an extra flat £10 at the time of purchase, irrespective of the chartset purchased, and members 20% discount is applied if applicable. (taking it down to £8.00).
This offer ONLY applies to "Android Charts for Marine Navigator" see HERE
It does not apply to "Unified Charts", or "Cross Platform Charts for qtVlm" as these can be used on full sized PCs etc, and are not mobile only.
How it works:
You will find the add on option in the shopping cart when you purchase, just check the box. Your sales email will only contain the 2 original unlocks as normal, so you can get started installing charts straight away. We will manually email you the extra 3 unlocks a bit later, normally within 3 days. (This will be automated a bit further down the line)