Windows Defender flagging trojan in Unified Charts

Windows Defender is flagging a component of Unified Charts as a trojan and preventing it working. Does not affect Windows 7, only W10 and possibly W11.


First, we can assure you this is a false positive and there's nothing nasty lurking in our Chartpacks !

The file it doesn't like is called dongle.exe, and this is ONLY used by qtVlm and no other programs, eg OpenCPN.

Background:  dongle.exe has been in Unified Charts since about 2017. Philippe Lelong of qtVlm made us a new dongle.exe for 2024 to cope with W11. The file is protected from copying by Truscont who are Windows certified partners.  Defender has taken a dislike to the protected version and is flagging it as a Trojan.

We have now re-submitted the 2024 protected file to Microsoft for proper testing (note the original 2017 file was submitted and cleared years ago, Defender is only picking up on the 2024 new version).

In the meanwhile you can test dongle.exe with othe AVs eg:  AGV or Malwarebytes,  which show it clean.



Once satisfied it's clean, you can make an exception for it in Defender.

Sorry about this, but we have no control of Microsoft who find it easier to false flag things based on prevalence (only a few of these 2024 files knocking around), or algorithms..rather than proper testing.

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