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Link errors
Written by SailingTrilleen | 2nd Dec 2022
ED NOTE: Links now sorted.
VIKING MARINE'S (Goole) website non functional. Replaced with parking page from Fasthosts.
Hull Marina (Aquavista) now on their corporate site: current url leads to spam website.
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Update June 2022
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 8th Jun 2022
I reviewed these notes in June 2022. The price has increased a little but they have a small reduction if you are a member of a club. The ABP Humber website has been edited so the hyperlinks have changed.
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 6th May 2021
I reviewed these notes in May 2021. Very little has changed apart from the sandbanks which change every high wind!! Hull Marina has changed hands and it's prices have increased.
Written by Don Thomson | 31st Mar 2017
These notes were reviewed by Don in March 2017. The only thing I've had to update are the prices and charts.
Written by mudpilot | 22nd Aug 2015
Regarding the anchorage area off Skitter Haven. Be aware that the Rix oil barges on passage from Old Harbour to Humber Sea Terminal and the Immingham area seem to now favour a direct route across Hull Middle and Skitter Sand.
If anchoring over night best ensure that anchor light exhibited and consider anchoring close in. These barges are loaded and throw up quite a wash so expect to be thrown around by their passage.
Update 2015
Written by dononshytalk | 10th Mar 2015
These notes were reviewed by Don in March 2015
Firstly, many thanks to "mudpilot" for all his helpful comments below; it sounds that good entertainment can be found at HW outside the Marina lock on a summers weekend!!
The marina prices are being increased for 2015 and I've added a link to the ABP Humber chart viewer for up to date soundings.
Written by mudpilot | 12th Nov 2014
Skitter Haven currently being dredged, Nov'14. Could afford another point to await the tide for the Marina in W-SW ly winds.
Written by mudpilot | 19th Apr 2014
NWly to SWly. winds good shelter and good holding ground is off Halton Marshes. South of the gas pipelines and north of the Humber Sea Terminal. N53 41 W00 15. Departure for Hull Marina about 2 hours after LW Immingham will give a good flood tide. (The ebb will still be flowing at Imm LW+45mins.) Arriving for a first pen at Hull Marina Alb HW-3hrs.)
Suggest confirm from ABP Charts datums prior taking a direct passage to Hull from this "anchorage". Drying heights are to be found on LW Springs near this track. Another reason to depart a couple of hours after LW you'll have 2-3 ms of rise with you.
Beware set with regards to buoys and lock approaches.
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Written by mudpilot | 8th Aug 2013
Take great care on Spring tides. If awaiting a lock best stem down tide and well clear of the bell mouth. Outbound boats can and do leave the bell mouth with no regard for the tide across. Till they enter the tidal flow, and all is now revealed. Close quarter situations not rare events.
On entering the bell mouth on a strong tide best not make the approach till certain other inbounders are actualy in the lock. Also best approach from down tide and crab across the tide and then move to the uptide"pier" on minimum headway over the ground, turn when clear of the downtide pier end. Monitor the increase of headway on coming out of the tidal flow here.
Most seem to take a run at it right across the tide, have then seen them athwart the lock pit and having to come out stern first to make another attempt to enter the lock pit. Assume caused by the headway required to cross the tide on their chosen white knuckle approach line.
Leaving Spurn HW Albert -4 hrs. will ensure the flood with you to the Marina, along with strong tidal flow in Hull Roads.
The Humber Pilots lock approach is a multi stage operation. 1) Stop over the ground down tide of the locks. 2) Crab across the tide close to the jetty down tide of the locks. 3) Min. headway against the tide till clear of the down tide jetty. 4) Turn into the bell mouth with max. rudder and revs as required to make the turn and reduce rudder and revs. on entering still water. Works with 40K dwt ships and Hardy Bosun 20s!
Written by mudpilot | 6th May 2013
The Skitter and Hawkins Point anchorages still listed on ABP Web Pages for leasure craft. Rgds.
Update 2013
Written by dononshytalk | 10th Apr 2013
These notes were updated by Don T on the 10th April 2013. Very few changes were necessary; the anchorages at Hawkins Point and Skitter Haven are not shown on Admiralty charts but still feature on the Reeds Almanac chartlet. Prices shown are now for 2013.
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