Harbour Information (use the icons to find out more)

Beaulieu River and Bucklers Hard

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Courtesy Flag

Flag, Red Ensign


None Given


Admiralty 2021, 2036, SC5600   (links)

Rules & Regulations

5 Knts Speed Limit in River


Bar with less than 1m

Tidal Data Times & Range

Double HW at Springs long stand at Neaps, HW Springs(1st) -0030 Dover MHWS 3.7m MHWN 3.1m MLWN 1.6m MLWS 0.6m Tide Tables:   (links)

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General Description

Contacts: Harbour Master tel 01590 616200  VHF #68 "Beaulieu River Radio" ... read more


The approach to Beaulieu River from seawards involves keeping a good offing, and making your final approach on a northerly heading.  There are plenty of shallows and drying areas awaiting the unwary,  so a good check of the charts and consultations with the tide tables will be needed. ... read more

Berthing, Mooring & Anchoring

For a visiting small craft mariner,  the mooring opportunities available in the Beaulieu River consist of  swinging moorings,  pile moorings and a 200+ berth marina at Buckler's Hard. You can make arrangements for a berth by ringing them in advance. ... read more

Your Ratings & Comments

Recent Visit 16/6/24
Written by Tweedyreadie | 21st Jun 2024
First time to Bucklers Hard and would certainly return. Harbour staff were excellent and extremely helpful/cheerful. The marina facilities were first rate incl. a limited shop in the marina office with gas and fresh bread, milk, etc. A superb sunday bbq was running on the terrace of The Master Builder until 4pm and the evening meal outside at the front of Henry's (the pub section of the hotel) was very good with friendly staff, in an atmospheric and scenic setting. There is also a fancy restaurant at the hotel - not tried.
Updated May 2024
Written by Bryant | 8th May 2024
Prices adjusted for 2024
UPDATE January 2023
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 6th Mar 2023
I've added a Bucklers Hard video to the notes
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Update March 2022
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 15th Mar 2022
These notes were reviewed in March 2022. There has been improvement work here for several years but that is now complete. We've updated this years marina berth plan and noted the price for the summer 2022 otherwise it's much as before.
Bucklers Hard
Written by chitchat | 18th Oct 2021
Master Builders still closed. Apparently staff shortage now.
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New anchoring restrictions 2020
Written by Tyro Sailor | 16th Mar 2021
Visiting one lunchtime last summer I learned that anchoring is now allowed only on the south side of the river between posts 20 and 22. And, what's more, we were charged £10 for a stay of only an hour or two.

However, a couple of years ago I spent a quiet night on a buoy near the first corner for the same price, and Lord Montagu's minion was very helpful.
Written by chitchat | 5th Oct 2020
Friendly (and busy!) as ever. On line booking for visitors available but phone call works too. During Covid they were not letting out any unoccupied moorings upstream to visitors. Shower block now exceptional; again during Covid with limited opening times. New rates as published - Walk Ashore £4/m. Total of 46 visitors berths when all complete. Yachtsman's Bar closed indefinitely. Master Builder restaurant by reservation only.
Written by Don Thomson 3 | 4th Mar 2020
There are new pontoons for visitors!! We have uploaded new charts (which do not yet show the new pontoons) and a new pontoon layout chartlet. The prices have increased but the new pontoon price includes electricity.
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Visit Nov 2019
Written by geoff4143 | 13th Dec 2019
New Amenities Block probably the best on the South coast and very welcome in the colder months. Harbour staff are always polite and very helpful. Few buses and miles from the train if you need to get home. Beautiful isolated river moorings or sometimes noisy visitors pontoon. New walk ashore marina extension being built. Recommended!
Written by Don Thomson | 12th Mar 2018
There are some new navigation marks and some of the existing pylons have been lit. There is a new amenities block at Beaulieu opening for this season. There are some new visitors buoys in the first arm of the river entrance and a few further up river. The HM now listens out on VHF#68. Prices have been revised.
We have uploaded new Admiralty charts.
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Update Spring 2016
Written by dononshytalk | 7th Mar 2016
These notes were reviewed by Don in March 2016. They haven't increased their prices for the coming season though an electric hook up if available will cost you £3.00
Update March 2014
Written by dononshytalk | 26th Mar 2014
These notes were reviewed March 2014 and the prices altered for the coming season
Re: High Prices in Beaulieu
Written by Beaulieu River | 29th Jul 2013
Thank you for your comments. We believe our charges for short stays are in line with other 5 Gold Anchor harbours and are charged according to the size of the vessel, with charges starting at £6 for a river mooring or £7.50 in the marina.

The Master Builder's House Hotel is under the management of Hillbrooke Hotels and we have no influence over their charges, although we are happy to provide them with your feedback.

The Beaulieu River Team
Updates 2013
Written by dononshytalk | 7th Jan 2013
"Beaulieu River and Bucklers Hard" has been updated by Don T on 7th Jan 2013.
There is extra racing buoyage to the SW of the entrance to the river which has necessitated a change to the "Approach" notes and there is a change to the scale of charges.
2 of 2 people found this helpful
High prices in Beaulieu
Written by MissMack | 18th Jul 2011
Reports from a reader, in YM Summer Issue:

Charged £14 for a one hour stay, (36' yacht)...then charged £10 for 2 pints of shandy and a half of Guiness at the Master Builder pub. You have been warned.

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