54°13.35N 005° 48.4W This is within D401 but it is impossible to get into Dundrum without infringing this Danger Area.
AC 044-0 Nose of Howth to Ballyquintin point. Imray C62 Irish Sea
Rules & Regulations
D401 is used for small arms up to Mortar and Anti Tank weapons and the seaward side of it is essentially a safety area for “over throws”. When the range is active they fly Red Flags by day and red lights by night. The presence of these flags does not prohibit passage through the danger area. The authorities can expect that you will not linger in the area and they operate on the “Clear Range” principle. Range control is not contactable either by phone or VHF but, if you need to cross the range and the red flags are being flown, call Belfast Coastguard on #16 and they can contact the RSO.
Drying and awash rocks, see "Approach and Entry"
Tidal Data Times & Range
HW is HW Belfast +0005 MHWS 4.8m MHWN 3.8m MLWN 1.8m MLWS 0.8m The streams into and out of the lagoon and in the anchorage are quite strong but unspecified.
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